The DMS Digging Grab with upright cylinder is the first choice for civil engineering underground work and operation in confined spaces such as the excavation of shafts. With its remarkable design, all the advantages of our patented double-acting cylinder technology have been optimally adapted into the vertical position. Due to the almost circular gripper geometry, the external dimensions of opened and closed shells are identical.

Capacity [l] 110
Weight (without rotator) [kg] 270
Weight rotator [kg] 29
Operating pressure opening/closing [bar] 280
Operating pressure rotation [bar] 280
Recommended pump capacity rotation [l] 6–25
Recommended pump capacity opening/closing [l] 40–80
Closing force [kN] 29
Torque [Nm] 1200
Number of teeth 3
Max. swinging mount travel [mm] 1435

Efficient excavation

With increased closing force, the innovative design allows deeper penetration into the ground and the utilization of the full shell volume without material compression.

Optimal gripper geometry

Constant filling capacity during opening and closing increases material movement efficiency, while pivot points in the center ensure a direct force transmission.

DMS Digging Grab in action

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Innovation at the core

The specially developed DMS cylinder drive is the hydraulic heart of our grabs. Due to the double-acting plunger cylinder with oil pressure supply on both sides, the force generated for opening and closing is identical. Inside the cylinder, not only the piston rod is completely encapsulated and protected. The oil channels also run internally, eliminating the need for vulnerable hoses on the exterior.

The vertical position in combination with the centrally located shell pivots ensures ideal force transmission. With this design and technology, DMS creates ideal conditions for performance, robustness and durability.

Hydraulikzylinder als Herzstück bei DMS

Delivery options

Scope of delivery
Available accessories

Accessory highlights

The Ejector for the GS Digging Grab prevents cohesive soil and sticky materials from getting stuck in the shells and helps to maximize the volume of each load. Ejector
The Softgrip is your ideal helper for damage-free handling and placement of stones and objects with straight or smooth surfaces. Softgrip
Our Swing Damper, specially developed for grabs with pendulum joint, prevents uncontrolled swinging on the crane or boom due to friction. Swing Damper

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