The Manipulator from DMS Technologie enables a much safer and more efficient handling of drill rods on the construction site. Drill rods can be picked up and put down in both vertical and horizontal positions. The device is precisely adapted to the respective diameters and properties of the drill rods or foundation piles and replaces the expensive and time-consuming use of cranes or sling contraptions.

Height [mm] 712
Width [mm] 560
Weight [kg] 230
Load capacity [kg] 500
Operating pressure [bar] 160
Clamping force [kN] 100
Min. load diameter [Ø mm] 38
Max. load diameter [Ø mm] 180

Optimized closing force

Surface and compression force of the closing mechanism are designed specifically for drilling rods.

Flexible handling

Movement of drilling rods is controlled with the standard tilt of the excavator.

Manipulator Produktvorteile
Counterbalance valve

Overcenter/counterbalance valve for securing loads even with pressure drop.

Pressure limitation

For maximum carrier compatibility, the oil pressure is regulated in the Manipulator.

Variable diameters

With added washer plates, segments of varying diameters can be clamped.

Die Produktvorteile des Manipulators

Delivery options

Scope of delivery
Available accessories

DMS Händlersuche

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Manipulator Icon
Grabgreifer liegend





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Demolition Grab
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Sorting Grab
Grabgreifer Icon DMS Technologie
Digging Grab
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Rotary Tiller
Bodenfräse Icon
Screening Bucket
Wurzelratte Icon
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Sorting Grab
Demolition Grab
Digging Grab
Clamshell Grab



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