The DMS Screening Bucket is our reliable attachment solution when it comes to processing and reusing construction material. The lightweight design, based on a backhoe bucket, creates an optimal weight-to-capacity ratio and easily withstands the toughest conditions. Its sophisticated shaker drive requires only low hydraulic power and is completely maintenance-free over its entire service life.

Capacity [l] 70
Height [mm] 550
Width [mm] 700
Weight [kg] 170
Operating pressure [bar] 160
Hydraulic flow [l/min] 20
Screening size [mm] 25
Screening bars [Ø mm] 20
Lower cutting edge [mm] 10 × 200

Large volume capacity

The clever design achieves the largest possible bucket volume with low weight.

Quick adjustment

The adjustment of the shaker bars via a mechanism on the side can be done in three minutes.

Sieblöffel in der Detailansicht
Adjustable grid size

Screening bars can be removed or added to individually adapt the shaker grid.


Shells are reinforced with wear-resistant steel on sides and cutting edges.

Automatic oil flow regulation

For maximum carrier compatibility, the oil pressure is regulated in the bucket.

Sieblöffel Rüttelmechanismus
Maintenance-free drive

Shaker drive runs with permanent lubrication and high wear resistance.

DMS Screening Bucket in action

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